Wearable Set Object

A pre-configured set of Wearables, Materials and Morphs.

A Wearable Set Object is an asset you can create to hold a Wearable Set.

Manually Creating a Wearable Set Object

To create a set manually, right-click in a folder and navigate to Create > Modular Character System > Wearable Set.

Fill in the fields as you wish, ensuring you are only adding Wearables compatible with the Character Style you are creating it for.

Creating a Wearable Set Object with Code

The demo scenes capture the current Wearable Set configuration from a character and save it as a Wearable Set Object. You can do so using the SaveCurrentSet function in the Modular Character Manager.

Create a new script called "SaveWearableSetObject" and include the following block of code.

Calling the function will create a new Wearable Set Object generated directly from the current character configuration. You will need to specify a save location and pass both the Modular Character Manager, and a new set name to the function.

This code will check your specified save location to see if a folder with the Character Style name exists. If no such folder exists, it will create one. It will then copy the current set and save it as a Wearable Set Object in that location. Finally, it will ping the newly created object.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using Stellar;

public class SaveWearableSetObject : Monobehaviour
    public string saveLocation;

    // Saves a copy of the current Wearable Set as a Wearable Set Object to the specified folder
    public void SaveNewCharacterPreset(ModularCharacterManager _manager, string _newSetName)
        WearableSet newSet = _manager.SaveCurrentSet(_newSetName);
        WearableSetObject setObjectAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<WearableSetObject>();
        setObjectAsset.wearableSet = newSet;   
        string folderName = _manager.modularCharacter.charStyle.styleName;    
        if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(newFolderLocation + "/" + folderName))
            saveLocation = saveLocation + "/" + folderName;
            string guid = AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(saveLocation, folderName);
            saveLocation = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
        string localPath = saveLocation + "/" + _newSetName + ".asset";
        localPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(localPath);
        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(setObjectAsset, localPath);

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