Asset Updates

Incorporate the most recent version into your project.

Always backup your project BEFORE importing an asset update!

Considerations When Updating Your Project

When features are added or minor bugs are fixed, the code and/or models that make up the Modular Character Series may be updated. When this happens, there are several things to be aware of before incorporating the newest version into your project.

Prefab Management

The main issue stemming from updates to rigs or meshes is to ensure any prefabs you have created are updated correctly. Most mesh changes won't impact your prefabs, but changes to bones within the armature can have significant consequences.

Script Changes

If you've made changes to the code, or incorporated it into your own system, pay close attention to the changes made in the associated scripts. The new scripts will overwrite the entirety of the old one when they are imported.

How to Manage Prefab Updates

Save Prefab Configurations as Wearable Sets

Before importing an updated package, you may want to create Wearable Sets for your prefabs. This will allow you to quickly and easily regenerate the prefabs that exist in your project.

If you have a significant number of prefabs, and the system is working properly for your purposes, you may not want to update the asset.

How to Manage Script Changes

Visit the Changelog

The Changelog exists to provide you with the most accurate information for your use. You'll find the corresponding script and function which were changed, so you can decide whether or not you want to overwrite your code.

Last updated