Demo Scenes
Start creating characters with the fully functional demo scenes.
Run the Demo Scene
The included demo scenes are meant to help you create premade characters and to learn how to integrate the vast functionality into your own project. They feature a lot of carefully crafted code which can be referenced or incorporated into your own systems.
The Complete demo scene is meant to mimic an in-game character creation menu. You can use this scene to add and remove Wearables, swap Materials, adjust Morphs, change cosmetics, and export prefabs, sets or data.
The scene has a fully functioning interface to add and remove Wearables, swap Materials, adjust Morphs, change cosmetics, and export prefabs, sets or data.
The Managers
The demo allows you to choose how you want your character to function. You can use one of three Managers:
Destructive The Destructive manager type instantiates Wearables each time they’re added, and destroys them when they’re removed. This manager is best used when you are creating a one-off character prefab which will remain as-is, with little to no changes.
Non-Destructive The Destructive manager type instantiates Wearables each time they’re added, but rather than destroying the them when they’re removed, they are kept hidden. The system then enables and disables Wearable meshes as they’re added/removed rather than instantiating and destroying. This is more efficient, not only because instantiating and destroying is performance intensive, but it also eliminates the need to re-weight Wearables to the armature hierarchy each time they’re equipped. This is best used when Wearables will be swapped often.
Selective This is a combination of both manager types. With the selective manager, you will be able to toggle which slots you want to hide instead of destroy, while leaving the rest to function as the Destructive manager does.
The Scenes
Loading A Character
Before you start, make sure you've imported all of your Base Packs and AddOn Packs, and linked the Wearable Databases to the Character Styles (see Setup).
Now run the scene. Upon entering Play Mode, you will be greeted by a start window, and then a few options to set your Character Manager up to your liking.
Give your character a name and then select the type of Manager you wish to use. Finally, select the character style you wish to load from the dropdown menu and click "Submit". An unclothed prefab of that character will be loaded.
The Apparel Panel
The Apparel Panel contains an interface that allows you to add Wearables to your character. You can also remove Wearables and change their Materials. This data is pulled from the Wearable Database(s) assigned to the loaded Character Style.
Selecting a category from the side menu will open a menu for a corresponding slot in the Manager, and clicking on a Wearable icon will load that piece onto your character.
The Appearance Panel
The Appearance Panel has a lot going on. This is where you'll find the menu selections that adjust a characters physical appearance, like skins, makeup, facial hair, eyebrows, hairstyles and morphs.
The Attachment Panel
The Attachment Panel is similar to the Apparel Panel, but holds options for character attachments rather than clothing.
The Scene Menu
The Scene Menu may look small, but it holds a lot of options you might want to use. Here is where you can generate a random character, save your current character as a prefab, preset or as data, rename your character, reset the scene, or exit completely. Let's talk about each one of these menu items in more detail.
Randomize Button
The Randomize button does exactly what it says: Generates a random character for you. It will use the Wearable Database associated with the Character Style you've loaded. You can choose which slots to randomize, whether you want skin, makeup, and eye colors randomized as well, and whether you want it to also randomize the character body/face morphs. Here's what the window looks like that opens:
Save Button
There are several different ways you can save your current character. There is a default save location for these files, but you can specify your own in the Modular Character Manager component of whatever character you're using. To change the location for all characters you will generate, change these fields on the Style Prefab and apply the changes. Leave them blank to use the default locations.
Once you're happy with save locations, there are several different ways you can save your characters.
Save Prefab: Save a copy of the current character as a prefab to the "Save Location (Prefab)".
Save Preset: Saves the current configuration as a Character Preset to the "Save Location (Presets)".
Save Data to JSON File: Saves the current configuration as a JSON file to the "Save Location (Data)" This is used for runtime saving and loading. In the demo scene, this save file will now occupy a slot in the window. It will now show up every time you run the scene and you can load it by clicking the Load Button.
The Save and Load window will look different if you're running it in the Editor. That's because you can not save a Prefab or a Preset in a build. Instead, an image file will be displayed. You can change this image file in the hierarchy here:
The Reset Button
The Reset Button allows you to completely reset the scene without exiting. It will destroy your current character and take you back to the setup menu.
The Exit Button
The Exit Button closes the scene and exist play mode. No window will open to warn you that you are closing, so be sure you want to do this!
The Character Name
If you click on the character's name, it will open a field you can use to edit it. Use this to change the name of the character.
The Scene Controls
The Scene Controls in the bottom right corner allow you to get a better look at your character by zooming and rotating it.
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