Character Morphs
Adjust your character's face and body.
Each Modular Character features a face and body blendshapes to enable adjustments to the character's shape. The name and value of these shapes is packaged together as a Character Morph.
Character Morphs are used by a Wearable Set to record the settings of each morph blendshape. The current configuration of Character Morphs on a character are applied to each new Wearable that is equipped -- unless Enable Dynamic Morphs is disabled on the Modular Character Manager.
Phonemes and expression shapes are not captured as Character Morphs, since they will most likely be manipulated by the Animator, or a third-party lip-syncing tool.
Character Morphs
Character Morphs are constant across all Modular Characters and include the following:
Foot Adjustment
Because heel height can vary due to different shoe styles, characters also include a blendshape to change the angle of their foot. Flat shoes and bare feet will use a blendshape called FootPosition_Flat to account for the different angle.
Viseme Shapes
A Phoneme is a unit of sound in speech. It does not refer to letters, but rather the sounds you make when speaking. Visemes are the visual equivalent of phonemes, which account for the position of the lips, teeth, tongue, and jaw used to make each sound. Most lip-syncing programs require a minimal amount of these shapes in order to function in a natural way.
The Modular Characters all include enough of these viseme shapes to work well with lip-syncing. These include:
Expression Shapes
Expressions including happiness, surprise, contempt, sadness, fear, disgust, and anger can be constructed from a selection of expression blendshapes included with each character. These shapes follow the guidelines for various face tracking kits:
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