Declaration public List<Wearable> GetAllWearablesOfCategory(WearableCategory _category);
WearableCategory _category
The Wearable Category you want a list of Wearables for.
Description The public function to retrieve a list of wearables in a given category from all Wearable Databases in the Wearable Database array.
Returns A list of Wearables assigned to the specified Wearable Category.
Declaration public List<Wearable> GetAllWearablesOfCategory(int _categoryIndex);
int _categoryIndex
The Wearable Category index you want a list of Wearables for.
Description The public function to retrieve a list of wearables of a given category index from all Wearable Databases in the Wearable Database array.
Returns A list of Wearables assigned to the specified Wearable Category index.
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